

Raul Felix is a 37 year old Mexican-American from Huntington Beach, CA. He currently lives in Bath, ME. He served in the United States Army from 2005-2009. He writes about sex, dating, women, military life, manhood, Mexican-American culture, motorcycle travel, and anything else he damn well pleases. He currently works as an electrician and writes. He has been featured on Coffee or Die Magazine, Thought Catalog,
Return Of Kings, Matador Network, and Ranger Up. He’s on a quest to be one of the greatest writers of our era. You can reach him at raul.felix275(@)gmail.com

7 thoughts on “About

  1. interesting blog. i saw your piece on RoK and I liked it. Me and a few other people are trying to start a Men’s Rights group for people who want to be masculine/feminine but from a traditional point of view. Let me know if you are interested.

  2. Hey. This is Jenny. Bartender from Nashville (maybe you remember me) Great blog! I am an aspiring writer myself! Not much blogging yet, but a lot of ghost writing for some other sites. Check out my blog and I’ll be sure to promote you on my Facebook and Twitter! Hope you guys had fun in Nashvegas and had a safe trip home!

  3. Hey! Another wannabe writer here. Just want to say that you have such a good knack at writing. You are so honest, stripped of pretense and that is breath of fresh air. Look forward to reading more of your articles on Thought Catalog.
    Kisses, Kristine Luna

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